Thursday, November 28, 2019
Monday, November 25, 2019
World War II Essays (616 words) - Modern History Of Italy
World War II Essays (616 words) - Modern History Of Italy World War II Michael Dominguez In the begging of the twenty-century a war was raged against the world. Every country fought to honor and defend it country. The Triple Entente, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy versus the Allies, Britain, France, and America in an all out world war. Each county gathered its troops and raised their spirits high in the honor to defend one's nation. Germany was the first. They declared war on France. The French not willing to back down were at war. Germany now on hostile grounds gave Serbia and ultimatum. Serbia not knowing what to do accepted. Britain now is trying to keep Serbia neutral. Germany now seeking help to be the best sought out the second best, Austria-Hungary and they accepted. Total war. Germany using a captured mini-tank, called the whippet, developed a larger tank. General Ludenorff says the army couldn't spare the men necessary to build these weapons of mass destruction so the project was abandoned. Germany developed the flame-thrower. A flame-thrower was a tank or oil discharged through a long nozzle by pressure of compressed air. Various gases were used through out the war. Some much more deadly than chlorine, like phosgene or mustard gas. The later gases would turn out to be even more deadly because they didn't burn as chlorine did. A solider would be infected with out knowing it. The Austrian Empire has been characterized as consisting of "a dynasty of diplomacy." Of the diplomacy two great exponents were Metternich, the Chancellor and Franz Joseph, the Emperor. They were so dominating the first half of the nineteenth century was called "The Era of Metternich." Emperors and kings met in Vienna in 1885 to make over the map of Europe, and the adroit and the charming diplomat help a strong personal influence over the distinguished circle. July 28 Austria declares war on Serbia. Austrian-Hungarian territory shows that far below the northern most frontier of Serbia in the west. Consisting of provinces of Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Dalmatian. Thus Serbia was exposed on the northern front and the western front. Britain and France were far from beaten. General Alekesi Alkessichich Brusilov had two central principles upon his plan of attack. Suprise and disseperation of the enemies reserves rather than an all out attack. Despite criticism, Brusilov ordered four main attacks on reasonably wide fronts. Brusilov's offensive was launched on June 4, 1916 in Galica, in a rough coordination with Italian and British offensive. Initial Russian success was tremendous: nearly 200,000 Austrian solider was taken prisoner in the first week. Russian forces drove deep into Galica. The Austrian army was effectively destroyed as a major fighting force. While Russian forces advanced Austrian forces in Romania far into the allied camp. Bruslov's tactics were executed with such success that his plan was executed time and time again. America's first reaction of the war upon business was certain to be unfavorable. International trade was for the moment completely disrupted. American manufacturers found many of their accustomed foreign markets were cut off. Shipping facilities were greatly curtailed by the transfer of merchant shipping to military use. European stock exchange was closed. On July 31, the London stock exchange closed. Making the New York stock exchange the only important stock exchange open. The ratio of foreign exchange, at first ran heavily against the United States and then England. At one time it was seven U.S. dollars to one pound sterling. When war breaks out no matter where it is in the world. Every body is effected by the outcome. So why should we go indulge ourselves in war? What do we accomplish by destroying another's land and life?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Physical and Intellectual Isolation of the Americans Research Paper
The Physical and Intellectual Isolation of the Americans - Research Paper Example Communication has not only helped to raise the revenue of the Americans but also helped to reduce the communication gap, communication also improved between the rural and urban areas and this helped quite a lot in improving the economic conditions of the state and also in minimizing and eliminating the isolation of the people of America. With the introduction of the electricity in the rural areas by the Rural Electrification Act given by President Franklin technology greatly advanced as a result of which isolation and communication gap between the rural and urban areas reduced and have finally reduced to zero. With the introduction of electricity in the rural areas the people of these areas got access to television, computer, internet, industry and other sectors and due to this, research and advancements in the other fields greatly improved. The introductions of electricity brought advancements in many fields and also lead to the development and invention of many other appliances and devices. It has also contributed to bringing an end to the isolation of the American people by using electronic consumer goods (Oppenheimer, 2003). Slowly and gradually the Americans became addicted to technology as they observed that it was technology that helped them to come out of the dark ages and also to eliminate and completely eradicate isolation from the people of America. The most important benefit of technology is in the field of communication. Technology has also helped to aid the military operations and helped to win wars. The introduction of computers and internet helped to improve communication and fill up the communication gap between the people of America and the world. In this century technology has completely bridged the gap between the people and social isolation. Means of communication have increased to a quite a numbers like e-mail, chatting, communication through the internet, telephone, etc.Â
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Comprehensive Mental Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Comprehensive Mental Health - Essay Example Diagnosis 3: Risk of serious malnutrition and existing malnutrition indicated by greater than 1 lb weight loss in a week, which is probably related to this current illness. The patient's feeling of heaviness of limbs, back, head, and aches in the same areas; loss of energy and fatigability, difficulty eating without the staff urging poses risks for further malnutrition. Gastrointestinal symptoms of dry mouth and somatic psychic gastrointestinal symptoms of depression manifested by wind, indigestion, diarrhoea, cramps, belching may aggravate the decreased appetite. Slight retardation at interview may indicate lassitude, and irritability may further aggravate loss of appetite, since it may represent inner tension representing feelings of ill-defined discomfort, edginess, inner turmoil, mental tension mounting to panic, dread or anguish that may lead to further loss of desire for food. Priority 1: Diagnosis 1: Risk for Injury related to hopelessness and impaired pro... ion manifested by suicide attempt in the current admission and sadness, suicidal thoughts, dejection, or episodes of weeping on assessment and feeling of rejection, despondence, self-reproach, and hopelessness indicated by expressions of feelings of discouragement, despair, pessimism about future, which cannot be dispelled. Also, current serious attempts of suicide and helplessness and worthlessness indicated by patient's statement on interrogation. Rationale of the Priority 1: Depressed individuals have negative evaluation of their worth, which often is unrealistic. They are known to have guilty preoccupations or ruminations about minor past failings, where always they blame themselves. It is very common for these individuals to misinterpret neutral or trivial everyday events as due to failure of his or her person. Their exaggerated sense of responsibility for untoward events makes them very commonly feel hopeless, helpless, worthless and powerless. Due to her previous history of paranoid schizophrenia, it would be natural to expect possibility of disorganized thought processes, such as circumstantial or tangential thinking. Although there is no evidence of such in examination or history, there is a high possibility of hallucinations and delusions. Any assessment of depression requires that the risk of self-harm or suicide be assessed. This is the first priority since patient safety if the first nursing priority. In this patien t, due to attempted suicide and related admission, this becomes a greater priority. In depressed patients, self-harm and suicide are very prevalent. Anyone showing symptoms of severe depression, especially psychomotor retardation and/or psychotic symptoms should be regarded as at high risk of suicide, as should anyone who has previously
Monday, November 18, 2019
Skip navigation links BFS 3460-08B-2 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Essay
Skip navigation links BFS 3460-08B-2 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS (BFS3460-08B-2) - Essay Example High expansion foams acts the same but are typically used in holds of ships and basement room areas where access to fire and burning material is limited. It acts by halting convection and access to oxygen by steam displacement. This type of foam is used in controlling liquefied natural gas spill fires and helps in dispersing the resulting the vapor cloud. High expansion foams have very low water content making it suitable to use in settings where damage to equipment by water is highly probable. It is also this characteristic that results to a minimum amount of residue thus minimizing post fire clean-up requirements. The National Fire Protection Association has stipulated that this type of systems should completely fill and engulf an area where the fire is occurring thus making it suitable in settings where quick suppression is required. The high water content of low expansion foams makes it heavy and possible to be projected to burning material at safe distances. It also has a very high flow index and its wetting effect makes it more suitable in extinguishing fires in burning solid
Friday, November 15, 2019
Business and market analysis of Costco
Business and market analysis of Costco Costco wholesale corporation, is carry a membership of warehouses and sell high quality and national brands to resale and individual who have a membership in low prices, their first operated was on 1983 in Seattle, Washington. Now they have more than 570 warehouse around the world and 22 in United Kingdom. Of course every supermarket has to face a competitive environment but each one have their own strategy to deal with it by looking to their SWOT analysis and PESTEL analysis, also they should focus on their internal, micro macro environments. In this essay I will evaluate how Costco deal with these things. There is no companies can improve and get over if they do not focused on their internal strength and weakness and eternal opportunities and threats which is called SWOT analysis. Strength is looking to their internal capability of recourses and improves it to reach their objectives. According to Chatterjee Costco Annual revenue climbed 9.1 percent to $77.95 billion from $71.42 billion. In 2010 Costco were the 3th largest retailer in the USA and the 8th in the world. They offer a high quality of products with a big name, for example Sony, Microsoft, nestle and Kelloggs and numbers of co-brands such as Starbucks and Disney instead of their own brand which is called Kirkland in a low prices. They have over 60 million of cardholders also they are Goodwill with excellent employees. There were some advantages for Costco to their own brand; they can control their prices, packaging and the quality. Weakness is limitation that may prevent company to achieve their objectives, Costco weakness t hat you can find store in certain area and you cannot buy from the store if you are not a member in Costco club. Opportunity is an external positive factor that may bring advantages to the company, in UK Costco aims to open 40 warehouses around the country this will be good opportunity to them because they can reach large numbers of new loyal customers. Also they offer a Varity numbers of goods holding their own brand name, Costco noticed that most of their customer buys Toilet paper with annual sales of 375 millions. Every year to every two years, we try to upgrade the quality of this product, Rose explained. Make it softer, make it stronger, everything that we can do to just make it a better quality product and our members, you know, obviously the reward is with the sales on this item. (DONVAN and HERMAN, 2008). Threats is an external negative situation can face the company and break their performance and they should minimize it, when Costco decide to open their store in the UK an d get their approval to open their two stores and pay millions to develop their sits. The big three supermarkets Sainsbury, Tesco and Safeway tried to stop opening programs of Costco by going to the High Court and then to the Appeal Court to contest the councils decision. (KILBURN, 1992), they argued that Costco is retailers not wholesalers and the customer should pay fees to be members in Costco, so they should treat as retailers treated in UK. They were worried because Costco had succeeded in 17 years in USA and they sell everything from grocery to computers and pharmacy, also they sell up to 50% cheaper than other outlets in USA. Companies also will face an external environment that they cannot stop it or control it such as macroenvironment. There is also a microenvironment and both of them bring opportunities and threats to the company. Ecological/physical environmental forces is one of macroenvironment analysis is to protect the environment by producing products that not heart the natural. In Costco they produced their packaging from recycled polyester. The social forces give the company good image and predict the size and growth rates of marketing throughout charities and helping people go over in live by finding work and protect them from poverty. The plan of Costco to open 40 stores in UK which each store will employs 150 workers this will help to reduce unemployment also Costco and Highland Spring work together to support BBC children in need by selling a great pack for kid to keep them hydrated throughout the day, every 24 pack they sell 20p of it going to charity. Now technology become as lifeblood we cannot live without it, we can see the technology anywhere and everywhere, in the house, work, roadà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦etc. Costco start using internet shopping from few years ago operated and updated by Microsoft windows sever system, their revenue through website was under $100 million within three years and now their revenue through website is $640 million. The microenvironment consists of the actors in the firms immediate environment or business system that affect its capabilities to operate effectively in its chosen markets. (Jobber and Fahy, 2009) Its include four key actors are customer which company should satisfy their needs and wants by understanding their behavior, 90 percent of Costco customer are loyal and renew their membership year after year also the thing that keep the customer loyal that Costco offer them high quality products and low price with return policy with full refund if they are not happy with what they buy, looking to the important of customer satisfaction. Competition is study of customer behavior not enough to success, company should know their competitors because they affect the company plans, and for example if they offering a lower price or making promotion, this may lead your customers turn to their side. The company should study and know their competitors strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. Cos tco biggest competitors in UK Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury, and Safeway. Costco deal with competitors by offering high quality products in bulk with a low price, good treat from customer service these lead to build their brand name in UK and get customer loyalty. Distributors are to offer the products in right price, place and time to meet customer needs and wants, distributor lead to reduce supplier profitability. Costco introduce 4000 unique products in each store from groceries to the televisions and computers. Costco buy direct from the manufactures that allows warehouses not delay in receiving the products and give the customers the opportunity to purchase as quickly as possible. Suppliers who provide supply and material to the company to produce goods and services, suppliers can bring problems to the companies if they have shortage or delay of producing on time because this will damage the customer satisfaction, usually companies treat their suppliers as a partner, if the supplies w ere powerful and increasing the cost of supply this will lead to push the price up. Companies should monitor supply availability, such as shortages due to labour strikes or political factors, as these can cause customer dissatisfaction and lost sales. (Jobber, 2010). Costco and their suppliers gain maximum administrative efficiency, reduce shared expenses and improve system accountability. (Peters, 2003). Companies should focused on all of the four actors of microenvironment analysis because this will help them to explode their opportunities and reduce threats. Internal environment is performance and activities of a business to be assessed in the light of environmental developments.(Jobber and Fahy, 2009). It based on finance and accounting which is depending on budget that helps the marketing to achieve its objectives. Costco financial records of the fourth quarters of 2010 was net Property and Equipment $11,314(MMs).Research and development (RD) looking for products that bring customers attention and develop safe design. Costco every one or two years developed their products specially products on demand. Purchasing, companies looking for suppliers and good materials. As we mention above that Costco offers 4000 high quality items in each stores with a low price, up to 50% lower than their competitors. Production is producing products with good quality and materials. In conclusion, Costco became a worldwide wholesales in few years. They were focusing on their performance to reach their objectives, by improving their internal environment and strength, explode their opportunities and minimize threats by focusing on the macroenvironment and microenvironment.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
American Transformation, 1800-1890 Essays -- collapse of colonialism, n
Overview What major political changes did Western Hemisphere nations face in the nineteenth century? (The Earth and Its Peoples, 633) The collapse of colonialism created various challenges for the newly free nations of the Western Hemisphere, in the 19th century. The rise of Personalist leaders, resurgence of Native American resistance, and immigration all affected the political environments of North and South America during that time. Young nations like The United States, Argentina, and Brazil found it difficult to manage themselves under their new constitutions. Regional separations and movements for women’s and black rights added to this difficulty, creating new political groups and questioning national identity. Perhaps the most significant political change in the 19th century, the regionalization of western states challenged the growth of their respective identities. As Bulliet says, â€Å"after independence, new national governments were generally weaker than the colonial governments they replaced.†In Spanish America, initiatives like Gran Columbia failed because of debate over economic policy, power struggles, and other interprovincial conflict. The lands of New Spain (1521-1821) were wide and varied, and many of the natives never desired to live under such a flag to begin with. This was illustrated with the Caste War, a string of many battles that were waged between the Maya and the Spanish over rights and land in the Yucatà ¡n area of Mexico, starting in 1847. Regionalism also affected the United States. The size and composition of states influenced the drafting of the constitution. The smaller states, along the East Coast, feared that their say would be repressed by lar ger states. The states and western territori... ...ves are as responsible for their oppression as those who oppress them. The third resolution voices, â€Å"the servile submission and quiet indifference of the Women of this country †¦ are the fruit either of ignorance or degradation.†This seems quite logical, although, from what I’ve read, I think it was a combination of the two. Through the words of these resolutions, I can see the precursors to the feminist movement of the 60’s. When learning about the reception of these resolutions by the constitutional convention, part of me isn’t surprised, given the prevailing views at the time; another part of me is shocked that these men can simply ignore the wrongs that have been so clearly laid out in front of them. It reminds me that we have wrongs that are allowed in today’s society, which may be more subtle, but no less important, and are ignored by our representatives.
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